Next trip is November 23-30 2019

First Trip To Elsalvador - 2012
Summer Carter is the International Missions Coordinator to El Salvador.
Summer Carter is 22 years old and lives in Georgia with her sister Autumn. She works part time as a server at a Salvadoran restaurant.
Summer wrote,
"I’ve always had a heart for missions and serving others. The summer of 2012 at The Synergy Project Panama City Beach, I felt God tugging at my heart, that night I accepted a call into missions.
A week later at 16 years old, I went on my first foreign mission trip to El Salvador. When that week was over I knew for sure that missions is where I was supposed to be. I have now been on Mission trips to El Salvador 9 times, including living in the beautiful country for a couple of months right out of high school.
I have spent time serving in Belize also, but El Salvador has my heart. In El Salvador, we feed the hungry, show love to the unloved and orphaned, and build shelters for the needy and homeless, but most importantly we show them the kindness and love of Jesus. For me missions starts at home. What I love about missions, is that you don’t have to be half way across the world to be a missionary, you can be one in your home town. But there is no doubt that God has called me to serve and take groups of people to love on the incredible people of El Salvador. We are all on a mission, a mission that God has set before us, to be a bright light in this very dark world. "
If you are interested ingoing next November with Summer and the SWO Team please contact Summer Below directly or fill out the form.