January 12 - January 15, 2024
Make Unforgettable Memories
Here is a little HISTORY on Synergy Pigeon Forge (formerly called EXIT Winter Conference).
Synergy is an intimate winter camp experience that was started in December 1994 by Paul Harbison. Paul is the founder of Damascus Road Ministries Inc. Paul and two other student ministers started Synergy Pigeon Forge in order for smaller churches to be able to have a well-planned affordable camp experience. After 14 faithful years, Paul passed the the torch of Synergy Pigeon Forge down to his sons Micah and Seth Harbison who served as student/worship pastors for over 32 combined years in ministry. Synergy has been a Non-Denominational camp including Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Non-Denominational and Pentecostal. Paul had a vision for students to come to know Christ and to be encouraged in their relationships with Jesus.
There are 116 charter churches and there have been over 365+ known conversions and over 30 people have surrendered to a calling to some kind of ministry, one of these being Micah's wife Brandi. There are numerous life-changing events that have happened at Synergy Pigeon Forge. From students being baptized in hotel pools, to teams getting excited about the Gospel and sharing their faith to those on the streets and wearing funny t-shirts to be a witness. There have been many keynote speakers and Contemporary Christian artists that have participated in years past.
What makes Synergy Pigeon Forge different than other winter camps?
1. Synergy Pigeon Forge is not something new, It has a rich HISTORY of 29 years.
2. It is an INTIMATE group setting where you will be able to spend quality time with your group building relationships and encouraging each other.
3. Lots of FREE-TIME. Your group will have the chance to spend time enjoying the famous Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg, TN. Days 1 & 4 are free days/Travel Days.
4. Students don’t just blend in as another camper, they matter to us! They will have a SHARE TIME the last night about what God has done or is doing in their lives.
5. We have our own STAR SEARCH -TALENT SHOW. How many youth camps have that?
6. It’s INTERACTIVE, Your groups will have a chance to get involved in the worship service if they want to. This has been dont through skits, sign-language, Interpretive dance, Students leading worship etc... (Please Contact Micah Harbison to get in on this and be approved)
We know that this will be a great experience!!!! We pray that you will come hang out with us.